The First First Step in setting up your bullet journal


This is my first post ever talking about my bullet journal experience and I wanted to go ahead and jump right in! I have been bullet journaling now for almost three years and I didn’t start off as great as I thought, but I have grown so much since then and have accumulated a lot of supplies. For those of you who have a hard time using regular planners that are already set up for you, or just want to get a little more creative, bullet journaling is one way to go.

The first step is to actually look up what a bullet journal is and what it entails. Ryder Carroll was the one to create it and has a website that you may want to look at before diving in head first like I did. The link is and it will give you insight into what bullet journaling is. It is very flexible and can be used however you deem necessary for everyday life and that is why this is the one planner I have been able to stick with.

I am in grad school and am a mom to two beautiful boys who have been diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), so my life can be pretty hectic from day to day and I had a hard time getting myself and my life organized. The bullet journal helped me find out what way I organize and helped me stay on task with all the juggling I had to do. The other thing that I truly like about the bullet journal is that I get to change the setup and can draw, color, or doodle whatever I want into my spreads!

This is a picture of how I used to set up when I was first learning versus how I set up my bullet journal now

So in the three years I have been creating my bullet journal, I have went from beginner to at least better than a beginner. So if you are interested in learning what bullet journaling is, stay tuned for the next post where I will talk (or type) more on what you need to do before spending money on a bullet journal and how to set one up!

Hope this post helped in answering some questions and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me! Thanks!



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